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Olaf bouquet


Bouquet of foil balloons Olaf theme from Frozen, composed of:

- 2 round balloons of 43 cm representing Olaf surrounded by snowflakes,

- 2 lavender-colored stars of 48 cm,

- 1 giant balloon Olaf 58 cm x 104 cm.

This bouquet will be the perfect gift for your child's birthday.

Bouquet sold inflated with helium with weight

Please indicate the date of withdrawal / delivery of the inflated balloons in the personalization field and save

For any delivery outside Luxembourg City, please contact our customer service to explain the procedure to you: - (+352) 26 19 68 91

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Battle Shot Table


When shot glasses replace the boring plastic ships, it promises great fun! Revisit the famous game of naval battle with this battle shot table. It will give another dimension to your evenings with friends!

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Mermaid Cake Topper


CUSTOM Cake Topper created by us and on order only.

Please respect the manufacturing deadline: 1 week

Choice of paper color

Dimensions: 13cm