
Partyshop opened its first store in 2011.

pioneer in the sale and decoration of the ball in all its forms, Partyshop quickly became a must in the Grand Duchy.

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Heart in a box

Small Big

Surprise your couple with this decoration! Offer and send this surprise box with one or two balls in heart shape! Ideal for Valentine's Day or for a couple or wedding anniversary. Don't forget to give your darling a gift!

Small size: a balloon.

Large size: two balloons.

Balloon size in heart shape: 45cm (18").

19 Hearts - Valentine's Day Bouquet


19 balls in the heart shape. Balloon size: 45cm. Sold inflated with helium.

Surprise your beloved in this Valentine's Day with this great bouquet, you will be the best lover! Ideal also for another occasion like a wedding or a couple’s birthday.

Walking Balloon Frog

Walking Balloon Frog


This walking balloon will be ideal as a birthday present for your toddlers. You can walk it with a small string attached under its neck.

Balloon sold inflated with helium

Walking Balloon Doe

Walking Balloon Doe


This walking balloon will be ideal as a birthday present for your toddlers. You can walk it with a small string attached under its neck.

Balloon sold inflated with helium

  • Out-of-Stock

Bubble Minnie Bow-tique balloon


This transparent bubble ball with Minnie Mouse prints will delight fans of the famous Disney mouse (officially licensed).

Sold with or without inflation.

Dimension: 56 cm.

  • Out-of-Stock

Walking Balloon Unicorn


This walking balloon will be ideal as a birthday present for your children.

This 97cm tall unicorn can be walked around thanks to the string attached to its neck.

Balloon sold inflated with helium

Flotation time: 10-20 days

Please indicate the date of withdrawal / delivery of the inflated balloons in the personalization field and save

For any delivery outside Luxembourg City, please contact our customer service to explain the procedure to you: - (+352) 26 19 68 91

Satin ribbon for balloons


Roll of satin bolduc. Ideal for tying your balloons or simply decorating your gift packages for any type of party or event.

  • Available in different colours: pink, blue, cream, red, peach.
  • Size: 12mm x 25m

Visit our catalogue to buy the pack: balloons, balloon ribbon, helium, pump and weight. 

DIY balloon sculpture kit DIY balloon sculpture kit DIY balloon sculpture kit

DIY balloon sculpture kit


Do It Yourself balloon sculpture kit including:

  • 30 Balloons 130 cm (inflated): Orange / Royal Blue / Red / Yellow / lilac / Pale blue / green
  • 1 manual balloon pump

Red Ombre Heart Foil Balloon

Red Ombre Heart Foil Balloon


Aluminum balloon in the shape of a red shaded heart, ideal for decorating a wedding or Valentine's Day.

  • Online only
  • -20%
  • Out-of-Stock

Piglet fair ball

€7.97 €6.37

Size: 80 cm

Not packaged

Sold with or without helium inflation.

  • Online only
  • -20%
  • Out-of-Stock
  • Out-of-Stock

Narwhal balloon


Narwhal shaped balloon

53 x 87

Sold with Helium inflation - without weight

  • Out-of-Stock

Welcome Baby Girl Bouquet


Bouquet of Welcome Baby balloons composed of:

  • 1 transparent bubble 60 cm with ROSE rose petal and gold "Welcome Baby" sticker
  • 4 pink and fuchsia latex balloons
  • 2 gold chrome balloons
  • 1 papillotte weight

Bunch of balloons sold inflated with helium

Floatation time: 1-3 days (latex balloons) 1 week (bubble balloon)

Please indicate the date of withdrawal / delivery of the inflated balloons in the personalization field and save

For any delivery outside Luxembourg City, please contact our customer service to explain the procedure to you: - (+352) 26 19 68 91

Dauphin fairground ball


Make your children's room a "nature" or better still "marine" themed environment with this charming dolphin ball. This balloon made of aluminum (mylar) will also be ideal for decorating a party room for a birthday. Dimensions: 91 cm

  • Out-of-Stock

Red Star Balloon - 48 cm


Balloon in the shape of a star, red colour: 

  • Size : 48 cm / 19"
  • Inflates with helium.

Uninflated balloon. You can buy the material to inflate it at home (helium) or we can inflate it for you. 

  • Out-of-Stock

Birthday Age Ballon


45 cm aluminum balloon with multicolored confetti patterns and age of your choice.

Sold with or without helium inflation.

Balloon bouquet for New Year's Eve


Balloon bouquet for New Year's Eve Party

Available in different sizes: 

  • Small (S): includes six Chrome balloons in the colour of your choice and the large balloon (bottle of champagne or large star in the colour of your choice).
  • Medium (M): includes four regular balloons in the colour of your choice, two medium balloons and the large balloon (bottle of champagne or large star in the colour of your choice).
  • Large (L): includes nine normal balloons in the colour of your choice and the large balloon (bottle of champagne or large star in the colour of your choice).

All bouquets include a weight and ribbon to hold the balloons. 

Contact us to customize your order or write us in our "Contact" section if you have any questions. 

Spiderman balloon


This aluminum balloon represents the mask that Spiderman wears. Pair it with latex balloons to create the perfect bouquet! Possibly inflated with helium or air.

Dimensions: 43 x 30 cm.

Official license.

Panda balloon

Panda balloon


Height: 78 cm

Floatation time: 5 - 10 days

Sold inflated with helium - weightless

Mini Air-Walker Mickey Mouse

Mini Air-Walker Mickey Mouse


This walking balloon will be ideal as a birthday present for your toddlers.

Balloon sold inflated with helium

Dimensions: 53 cm x 76 cm

Balloon "It's a Girl" Balloon "It's a Girl"

Balloon "It's a Girl"


48 cm blue aluminum balloon with "It's a Girl" inscription

Sold with Helium inflation - Without weight

Floatation time: 3 - 7 days

  • Out-of-Stock

40 years 3D balloon


81 x 81 cm

sold with or without helium swelling - without weight

  • Out-of-Stock

Heart balloon 73 cm


Rose Gold Heart Balloon 73 cm

Sold inflated with helium - weightless

Flotation: 5-10 days