
Partyshop opened its first store in 2011.

pioneer in the sale and decoration of the ball in all its forms, Partyshop quickly became a must in the Grand Duchy.

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Mermaid Tail Balloon

Mermaid Tail Balloon


Mermaid aluminum balloon

Height: 96 cm

Floatation time: 5 - 10 Days

Sold inflated with helium - weightless

Valentine's Day Bouquet


Surprise your beloved in this Valentine's Day with this great bouquet, you will be the best lover! Ideal also for another occasion like a wedding or a couple’s birthday. Different sizes and models:

  • XS size: includes 3 balls made of 45 cm in heart shape.
  • Size S: includes 3 red latex balls and an aluminium heart ball of 73 cm.
  • Size M: includes 3 balls in red heart shape of 45 cm and a ball in aluminium heart shape of 73 cm.
  • Size L: includes six balls of 45 cm in red heart shape and an aluminium ball of 73 cm or 3 balls in red heart shape of 45 cm and a bubble ball with a personalized message.
  • Size XL: includes 9 red balls of 45 cm in heart shape and an aluminium ball of 73 cm or 6 balls in red heart shape of 45 cm and a bubble ball with a personalized message.

Also includes helium swelling, boldac and weight.

Flamingo Balloon Flamingo Balloon

Flamingo Balloon


Aluminum balloon representing a flamingo.

Height: 117 cm.

Sold with Helium inflation - without weight

  • Out-of-Stock

Pink Lips Balloon


Pink lip-shaped ball, ideal to decorate a wedding or Valentine's Day.

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Balloon Nokk Frozen II

Balloon Nokk Frozen II


Aluminum balloon representing Nokk

Dimensions: 58 x 96 cm

Balloon sold inflated with helium - weightless

Bubble Frozen II

Bubble Frozen II


PVC balloon 56 cm

Flotation time: 10 to 15 days

Sold inflated with helium and weightless

19 Hearts - Valentine's Day Bouquet


19 balls in the heart shape. Balloon size: 45cm. Sold inflated with helium.

Surprise your beloved in this Valentine's Day with this great bouquet, you will be the best lover! Ideal also for another occasion like a wedding or a couple’s birthday.

Walking Balloon Ladybug


This walking balloon will be ideal as a birthday present for your toddlers. You can walk it with a small string attached under its neck.

Balloon sold inflated with helium

St Patrick's Lutin Balloon...

St Patrick's Lutin Balloon Bouquet


Balloons to decorate your feast of Saint Patrick. The price includes balloon inflation, ribbon and weight so that balloons do not fly.

Balloon bouquet for Christmas

Balloon bouquet for Christmas


Balloon bouquet for the Christmas party

Available in different sizes: 

  • Small (S): includes six Chrome balloons in the colour of your choice and the large balloon (gingerbread man, candy cane, Santa or large star in the colour of your choice).
  • Medium (M): includes four regular balloons in the colour of your choice, two medium balloons (stars, candy) and the large balloon (gingerbread man, candy cane, Santa or large star in the colour of your choice).
  • Large (L): includes nine regular balloons in the colour of your choice and the large balloon (gingerbread man, candy cane, Santa or large star in the colour of your choice).

All bouquets include a weight and ribbon to hold the balloons. 

Contact us to customize your order or write us in our "Contact" section if you have any questions. 

Elephant balloon


Elephant shaped balloon


Sold with or without Helium inflation

Number - 86 cm - BLACK


Aluminum Mylar number balloon, inflated with helium sold without weight

Please indicate the date of withdrawal / delivery of the inflated balloons in the personalization field and save

For any delivery outside Luxembourg City, please contact our customer service to explain the procedure to you: - (+352) 26 19 68 91

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Marine Anchor Balloon


For sailors who wish to drop anchor, this balloon will be ideal to decorate your boat party, or for a birthday on the theme of the sea! Aluminum Mylar, possibly inflated with air or helium.

Dimensions: 76 x 53 cm.

  • Out-of-Stock
  • Out-of-Stock

Pirate Balloon - Skull


Great decoration for a birthday party, or a pirate party with friends! Inflates with air or helium.

Dimensions: 45 x 71 cm.

  • Out-of-Stock



Decorate your Valentine's Day dinner with this heart-shaped table centre. Includes a personalized message. Stick in white and inflated air.

Mickey Mouse Sphere Bubble Mickey Mouse Sphere Bubble Mickey Mouse Sphere Bubble

Mickey Mouse Sphere Bubble


This totally spherical balloon represents our friend Mickey Mouse.

Diameter: 40 cm.

Sold inflated with helium and weightless.

New Year composition


New Year's composition including:

1 GOLD or SILVER star with personalization Black "Happy New Year" sticker

4 black latex balloons 28 cm / 4 chrome latex balloons 28 cm. Latex balloons are treated for a longer flotation.

Sold inflated with helium and weightless

Please indicate the date of withdrawal / delivery of the inflated balloons in the personalization field and save

For any delivery outside Luxembourg City, please contact our customer service to explain the procedure to you: - (+352) 26 19 68 91

Walking Balloon Doe

Walking Balloon Doe


This walking balloon will be ideal as a birthday present for your toddlers. You can walk it with a small string attached under its neck.

Balloon sold inflated with helium

  • Out-of-Stock

"Happy Birthday" Foil Balloon


Black aluminum balloon in the shape of a diamond with white and silver patterns and "Happy Birthday" inscription in the center.

Inflated diameter: 46 cm.

Sold with or without helium inflation.

  • Out-of-Stock

Personalized heart in a box

Small Big

Surprise your partner with this decoration! Offer and send this surprise box with a Bubble style balloon with a heart-shaped ball inside. Ideal for Valentine's Day or for a couple or wedding anniversary. Don't forget to give your darling a gift!

Include a message in the ball!

Gingerbread Man balloon


Aluminium balloon of Gingerbread Man. 

  • Size: 58 x 86 cm (23 x 34")
  • Can be inflated with helium or air with a pump.

Uninflated balloon. You can buy the material to inflate it at home (helium, pump) or we can inflate it for you.

  • Out-of-Stock

Happy Birthday Balloon


Happy Birthday foil balloon

35 cm

Sold inflated with helium - weightless

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Happy Birthday Balloon


Aluminum balloon Happy Birthday 76 cm

Flotation time: 5 - 10 days

Sold inflated with helium and weightless

Please indicate the date of withdrawal / delivery of the inflated balloons in the personalization field and save

For any delivery outside Luxembourg City, please contact our customer service to explain the procedure to you: - (+352) 26 19 68 91

Rabbit Balloon


Rabbit gift balloon

Color of your choice

Aluminum balloon inflated with air

Available only for Pickup or Delivery by us

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Ballon Sphere Mickey Mouse


Transparent sfather ball with Mickey Mouse motifs.

Diameter: 40 cm.

Sold with or without swelling.

  • Out-of-Stock

Number - 86 cm - MATT BLUE


Aluminum balloon Mylar figure, which can be inflated with air or helium.

Please indicate the date of withdrawal / delivery of the inflated balloons in the personalization field and save

For any delivery outside Luxembourg City, please contact our customer service to explain the procedure to you: - (+352) 26 19 68 91

Walking Balloon Dinosaur


This walking balloon will be ideal as a birthday present for your children.

Dimensions: 93 cm

Balloon sold inflated to helium

Floating time: 10-20 days

  • Out-of-Stock

Luigi balloon


96 cm aluminum balloon, representing the famous Luigi, Mario's brother.

Balloon Sold inflated with helium

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