Baby Shower

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It's a Girl" Bouquet It's a Girl" Bouquet

It's a Girl" Bouquet


To celebrate the new baby, this Mylar Foil Multi-Balloon (the balloons are attached to each other) will make a great decoration that everyone will notice at a baby shower or as a gift for the maternity ward. Can be inflated with air or helium.

Dimensions: 99 x 134 cm.

Bouquet sold inflated with helium with weight

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Guirland Baby Shower Blue Guirland Baby Shower Blue

Guirland Baby Shower Blue


10 blue cardboard fans, with inscriptions "Hello World" and "Baby Shower" with small clouds, stars and moons.

Height fanions: 27 cm.

Length: 6 meters.

Moon guestbook


This wooden moon guest book is ideal for celebrating the arrival of a baby!

A wonderful memory that will be perfect for decoration in the room of the future baby

Dimensions: 38.5 x 30cm

Pennant Garland


To assemble

The set contains 8 flags and about 2m of string.

Dimensions: 14 x 130 cm

Available in pink and blue

6 Paper Plates "Boy or Girl ?"


6 paper plates with pink hearts motif, blue stars and golden question marks. Golden inscription in the center of the plate "Boy or Girl?".

Ideal for your table during your gender reveal party!

Diameter: 23 cm.

Golden "Baby" balloon


"Baby" balloon written in gold

Inflatable only with air

Dimensions: 73.5 x 75.5 cm

Sold uninflated

6 White and Gold Feathers 6 White and Gold Feathers

6 White and Gold Feathers


Decorative white feathers with metallic gold tip.

The ideal detail for a soft decoration during a wedding, a baptism or on the occasion of the holiday season.

Lot of 6 feathers from 10 to 16 cm.

  • Out-of-Stock

5 Plumes


Lot of 5 Plumes, ideal to decorate Easter.

Size: 10-15 cm.

  • Out-of-Stock