Valentine's Day

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19 Hearts - Valentine's Day Bouquet


19 balls in the heart shape. Balloon size: 45cm. Sold inflated with helium.

Surprise your beloved in this Valentine's Day with this great bouquet, you will be the best lover! Ideal also for another occasion like a wedding or a couple’s birthday.

Sky Lantern - 10 pièces


Lanterne volante mix de couleurs : rose clair, vert clair, orange, jaune, violet, rouge, bleu ciel, deux blanches. Idéal pour un lancer de lanterne lors d'un mariage ou d'un évènement !

Dimensions: 33*48*86cm 

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Ballon Cupcake "Love You"


Cupcake 89 cm aluminium balloon "Love You" in pink and black.

Sold with or without helium inflation.

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Suspension of hearts


Decorate your living room with this heart-shaped suspension, ideal for Valentine's Day or a wedding. Size: 18 x 16.5cm.

20 Heart Napkins 20 Heart Napkins 20 Heart Napkins

20 Heart Napkins


20 towels of paper in the shape of a heart.

Size: 14.5 x 12.5cm

Sexy red, black and white...

Sexy red, black and white lingerie jumpsuit

Surprise your partner with this red, black and white jumpsuit, a perfect gift for two!Dress with crotchless panties, tie and straps. Hand wash separately.
Sexy black linen in a basket

Sexy black linen in a basket


Surprise your partner with this transparent black set, an ideal gift for two! Single size.

Body base resilient, black, V-neck, without crotch. Hand wash separately.

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Red Bear 30 cm


Made in France

Available in our Partyshop Hollerich and Junglinster stores

Contact us for availability.

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"Be Mine" garland


Happy Birthday cardboard garland. Ideal for a gentle birthday decoration. Available in rose gold, gold or silver.

Dimensions: 16.5 x 62 cm.

Heart Trio 45 cm


3 aluminum balloons 45 cm

Bouquet sold inflated with helium with weight

Please indicate the date of withdrawal / delivery of the inflated balloons in the personalization field and save

For any delivery outside Luxembourg City, please contact our customer service to explain the procedure to you: - (+352) 26 19 68 91

Heart Balloon - 40 cm Heart Balloon - 40 cm

Heart Balloon - 40 cm


This pretty heart-shaped balloon will adapt to your theme parties, weddings or birthdays.

Different colors to choose from.

Size: 40cm

Floatation time: 5-10 days

Helium balloon - Sold without weight

Indicate the desired withdrawal / delivery date and save the personalization.

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Intertwined hearts balloon


This pretty heart-shaped balloon will adapt to your theme parties, Valentine's Day, wedding or simply to offer. Designed in white aluminum (mylar) with intertwined silver hearts and small butterflies, it will perfectly decorate your party room. Dimensions: 91 cm.

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Heart in a box

Small Big

Surprise your couple with this decoration! Offer and send this surprise box with one or two balls in heart shape! Ideal for Valentine's Day or for a couple or wedding anniversary. Don't forget to give your darling a gift!

Small size: a balloon.

Large size: two balloons.

Balloon size in heart shape: 45cm (18").

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Pink Lips Balloon


Pink lip-shaped ball, ideal to decorate a wedding or Valentine's Day.

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Cake Topper "Sweet Kisses"


Cardboard cake decoration on wooden spikes, representing the words "Sweet Kisses" in golden glitter. Ideal for decorating a wedding cake, a birthday cake, or for Valentine's Day.

Height: 16 cm.

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Silver Heart Balloon 106 cm


106 cm aluminium ball, open, white with silver motifs. Ideal for the decoration of your wedding!

Sold with or without helium swelling.

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Ballon coeur gonflable avec ou sans message


Decorate a room with balls shaped like a heart. You can ask us to swell them with air or you can buy them and swell them yourself. Ideal for Valentine's Day or wedding!

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Sexy black lingerie stockings

Sexy black lingerie stockings

Surprise your partner with these black lingerie stockings with lace suspender, a perfect gift for two! One size fits lace fishnet stockings with garter belt. Hand wash separately.

Inflated heart ball without or with message

Without customization With customization

Offer this balloon to your darling for Valentine's Day. You can include a message or not. Ideal also for couples' birthdays or wedding decoration.

Sold inflated with air.

Stick in white.

Balloon size: 45cm (18")

Artificial Roses 10 cm


Lot of two roses on stems.


Ideal for decoration of centerpiece or arch in balloons.

Choice of color

Heart balloon - 91 cm Heart balloon - 91 cm

Heart balloon - 91 cm


This pretty heart-shaped balloon will adapt to your theme parties, weddings or birthdays. Designed in aluminum (mylar) with a size of 91 cm, it will perfectly decorate your party room.

Different colors to choose from.

Height: 91 cm

Floatation time: 10-15 days

Balloon sold inflated with helium - weightless

Please indicate the desired pickup / delivery date and save the date

LED Candle

LED Candle


Led candle with a dancing flame.

9cm x 12.5cm

Battery not included

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Swirls Hearts


Swirls Hearts, red, length approximately 60 centimeters.

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