Valentine's Day

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Cake Topper 'Love'


Cake decoration representing the word 'love'. Ideal for decorating your wedding cake, on a wedding anniversary, or on Valentine's Day.

To prick. Height: 17cm

Cake Topper "Sweet Kisses"


Cardboard cake decoration on wooden spikes, representing the words "Sweet Kisses" in golden glitter. Ideal for decorating a wedding cake, a birthday cake, or for Valentine's Day.

Height: 16 cm.

  • Out-of-Stock

Swirls Hearts


Swirls Hearts, red, length approximately 60 centimeters.

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Rose petals


These rose petals will give another dimension to your outing from church or commune while keeping the tradition.

Both to create an aisle of honor and to decorate your tables, you will enhance your event with these fabric rose petals.

Package of 500 petals, color of your choice: white, pale pink, red, fuchsia, purple, lavender, green.